Friday, October 3, 2014

Women-only train will come?

This is another topic of transportation in London. Ms. Claire Perry, the Transport Minister in the UK mentioned to induction of women-only train.

Perry referred to Japan, where women only carriages have been introduced to prevent sex crimes against women. Thailand, Brazil, Iran, and Mexico have utilized it as well. The UK had also had a similar scheme till 1977, according to the media. Sexual offenses in public transportation are increasing in the UK. British transport police is eager to take measures.

Actually, carriages in London tubes are narrow. We should be patient to discomfort in peak time. Such situation can be a strong risk factor to occur groping. I hate crowded space so much that I always let it go in such situation.

Some people are doubtful of the effect on reducing victims with women-only carriages. In Japan, the evidence that such services were beneficial to reduce sex crimes is quite limited, as far as I know, though not a few women feel relieved when using one. In addition, offenses from the same sex persons are not avoidable.

Some men insist that women-only carriages represent discrimination against men. But in historical view, unfortunately, it is obvious that women is likely to be abused by men. So I do not oppose to this idea. However, I feel it is only a temporizing solution.

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